About Dental Implants Worthington, OH

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Dental implants have surpassed both dental bridges and partial dentures as an advanced method of replacing missing teeth in adults. Where the traditional methods either rest on your gums or rely upon remaining healthy teeth for support, dental implants are fixed into the jawbone. The placement of dental implants into the jawbone makes them highly successful and a true, long-term replacement for missing teeth in adults.

Missing teeth in adults is a common occurrence, with 69 percent of adults age 35-44 are missing one or more teeth. Studies also show that by age 74 as much as 26 percent of adults have lost all of their teeth.

While dentures and bridges still remain safe and viable options for replacing missing teeth in adults, dental technology now offers patients some alternatives. The alternatives eliminate some of the common problems associated with traditional methods.

Dental implants have shown through research, they yield dependable results for long-term replacement of missing teeth in adults. Dental implants are made of titanium and are surgically placed into the jawbone. Following placement, the implants fuse with the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once properly integrated, dental implants do not slip out of place as with dentures. Dental implants are also more difficult to distinguish from natural teeth.

The surgical placement of the implants mirrors a natural tooth and root system, providing important stimulation to the jaw bone. The stimulation prevents bone loss, and their titanium composition means the implants are resistant to decay.

Dental implant technology has been used to replace missing teeth in adults for more than 20 years. As technology continues to develop and improve, patients who received implants in the '80s and '90s still report functionality with their implants.

To learn more about dental implants in Worthington, OH make an appointment with Dr. TJ Miller II today.