Same Day Dental Implants Worthington, OH
Schedule Your Immediate Load Dental Implants Consultation Today! Appointments
There are many benefits of choosing immediate load dental implants including:
- Immediate load implants do not require multiple surgeries
- No long waiting periods between stages
- Restore your smile immediately!
- Can be placed immediately following an extraction
Not everyone will qualify for this treatment option. It is important for Dr. TJ Miller II to replace missing teeth with immediate load implants only on patients who fulfill the necessary criteria, ensuring maximum success. Dr. TJ Miller II will perform a thorough exam during your dental implant consultation to determine if you are a candidate for immediate load dental implants.
Featured Services
- Bone Grafting
- Bruxism Teeth Grinding
- Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST)
- Dental Implants
- Gingivectomy
- Guided Tissue Regeneration
- Gum Grafting
- Osseous Surgery
- Periodontal Maintenance
- Periodontal Plastic Surgery
- Ridge Augmentation
- Ridge Preservation
- Scaling and Root Planing
- Sedation
- Sinus Lift
- Tooth Extraction
For New Patients
One of the newest innovations to replace missing teeth with dental implant technology is immediate load dental implants. In most cases, using dental implants to replace missing teeth requires multiple office visits and months of healing time in between stages. Immediate load dental implants provide our patients with the option to walk in-and-out of Dr. TJ Miller's office with a full set of teeth.
Traditional dental implants vs. immediate load implants
Traditional implants require four to six months of healing and must be left undisturbed during that time. During the healing process, a process called osseointegration is also taking place. Osseointegration is when the bone fuses with the titanium implant. This process is necessary for a stable dental implant. Traditional implants used to replace missing teeth also require multiple surgeries, often forcing patients to wear a dental bridge, denture or be without a tooth in between procedures. Traditional dentures have a high success rate but can be inconvenient or difficult.
Immediate load implants do not require multiple surgeries or long waiting periods in between stages. Immediate load implants replace missing teeth immediately! The restorative piece can be placed as soon as Dr. TJ Miller II completes the surgery to place the implant. The procedure takes about an hour, and you can walk out with functional teeth.
Dr. TJ Miller II can also place immediate load implants directly after an extraction.
Qualifying for Immediate Load Dental Implants
Not everyone will qualify for this treatment option. It is important for Dr. TJ Miller II to replace missing teeth with immediate load implants only on patients who fulfill the necessary criteria, ensuring maximum success. Dr. TJ Miller II will perform a thorough exam during your dental implant consultation to determine if you are a candidate for immediate load dental implants.
To set up a consultation or to learn more about options concerning dental implants for Worthington and Columbus, OH call the office of Dr. TJ Miller II today.
Review our office or socialize with us!