Implant Supported Dentures Worthington, OH
Schedule Your Implant Supported Dentures Consultation Today! Appointments
Featured Services
- Bone Grafting
- Bruxism Teeth Grinding
- Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST)
- Dental Implants
- Gingivectomy
- Guided Tissue Regeneration
- Gum Grafting
- Osseous Surgery
- Periodontal Maintenance
- Periodontal Plastic Surgery
- Ridge Augmentation
- Ridge Preservation
- Scaling and Root Planing
- Sedation
- Sinus Lift
- Tooth Extraction
For New Patients
Implant supported dentures are snapped into place on top of dental implants. This provides a secure fit and hold, eliminating looseness or slipping without the need for paste or adhesives. Implant supported dentures are designed so that they can be removed for regular cleaning, or you can opt for fixed implant supported dentures, which function as permanent teeth.
Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures Include:
- Increased stability
- Ability to eat and speak with confidence
- No more discomfort
- Secure fit
- No embarrassing clicking sounds
Regular dentures can be problematic in the way they sit in your mouth. Often they cause bone deterioration because they sit on top of the gums. Sitting on top of the gums can also leave space, causing a loose fit, slipping or clicking sounds. Considering dentures vs. dental implants, there are some important facts you should know before making your decision.
Implant supported dentures are similar to traditional dentures, with one important difference: they are anchored in your mouth, attached to dental implants. Implant supported dentures are usually used in the lower jaw, providing stability where traditional dentures are less stable. Implant supported dentures can also be used in the upper jaw.
Dentures vs. dental implants do not afford the same stability. Implant supported dentures are snapped into place, as opposed to resting on top of your gums, or held in place with a messy adhesive. They snap onto implants, eliminating problematic looseness of slipping. Implant supported dentures can be removed for regular cleaning, or designed to be fixed, becoming a permanent solution.
Bar-retained dentures are a type of dental implant supported dentures. It is one of the options Dr. TJ Miller II will discuss with you when considering dentures vs. dental implants. Three or more implants are placed in the jawbone with this method. Metal bars run across the gum line between the implants. The dentures attach with metal clips, resting on the bars running in between the implants. Many patients considering dentures or dental implants choose this option, as it eliminates discomfort caused by traditional dentures such as rubbing and loosening.
Ball retained dentures are another type of implant supported denture. They are also called stud-attached dentures because of the ball and socket mechanism used to hold them in place. The dentures are designed with several sockets on the base that line up with balls attached to the dental implants. The balls and sockets create a very secure fit, allowing for an open palate denture. This method is even less likely to slip than ball-retained dentures.
To learn more about dental implants or to schedule a consultation with Dr. TJ Miller, call our office today.
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