Loose Teeth Treatment Worthington, OH
Schedule Your Gum Disease Consultation Today! Appointments
Some of the signs and symptoms you should be aware of include:
- Sore or inflamed gums
- Bleeding gums
- Pus buildup around the tooth
- Food getting stuck between the teeth or under the gums
- Gum recession
Loose or shifting teeth are often signs of more serious health problems. If you are noticing teeth that move easily or seem loose, make an appointment with Dr. TJ Miller II, periodontists for Worthington and Columbus, OH and surrounding areas, as soon as possible. Your loose teeth are a sign of diminishing jaw bone density and gum disease. These issues can cause irreparable damage.
The causes of loose teeth can vary from injury or trauma to the mouth to a progressing case of periodontal disease. Bacterial infections in your mouth predispose you to periodontal disease, which often cause the loss of the attachment structure for your teeth, diminish your jaw bone density and destroy gum tissue around your teeth. Lacking adequate attachment structure, your teeth will become loose and eventually fall out. Loose teeth can also be a side effect of other underlying health problems.
Some of the signs and symptoms you should be aware of include:
- Sore or inflamed gums
- Bleeding gums
- Pus buildup around the tooth
- Food getting stuck between the teeth or under the gums
- Gum recession
The above mentioned symptoms are also indications of an active infection in your mouth and / or advanced gum disease. Gum disease is reversible in its early stages, making it critical to receive treatment as early as possible.
The best way to prevent losing teeth is take good care of your mouth and practice a good, daily oral hygiene. Boosting your immune system by eating healthy, well-balanced meals and exercising regularly may keep many diseases at bay that can be affecting your loose teeth.
We offer the following treatment options at our office to help you with your loose teeth:
- Deep Cleanings
- Antibiotic therapy
- Bone grafts
- Gingival grafts
- Extractions
- Tooth replacement with dental implants
Healthy teeth in adults should never become loose. Even slight movements in your teeth as an adult are signs of a more serious health problem including a diminishing jaw bone density. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms call Dr. TJ Miller II, your periodontist for Worthington and Columbus, OH and surrounding areas.
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